Ancillary Revenue

Revenue sources other than room and conference & banquet revenue. Examples include a minibar, parking, spa, golf, entertainment, restaurant, etc. Ancillary revenue streams can be configured for group and transient market segments.

Ancillary revenue is a critical aspect of hotel management and revenue management, playing a vital role in boosting a property's overall income. This page will explore the meaning of ancillary revenue, its importance, applications, and other essential information to better understand its significance in the hospitality industry.


Ancillary revenue refers to the income generated by a hotel from non-room-related products or services. These additional revenue streams supplement the primary income earned through room bookings, and can include offerings such as food and beverage sales, spa services, event hosting, parking, and more.


  1. Diversification: Ancillary revenue helps hotels diversify their income sources, making them less reliant on room revenue alone. This diversification strengthens a property's financial position and resilience, especially during periods of low occupancy or seasonal fluctuations.
  2. Competitive Advantage: By offering unique and attractive ancillary services, hotels can differentiate themselves from competitors, appealing to a broader range of guests and potentially increasing bookings.
  3. Enhanced Guest Experience: Thoughtfully designed ancillary services can improve the guest experience, increasing satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat bookings or positive reviews.
  4. Increased Profitability: Ancillary revenue often carries higher profit margins compared to room revenue, contributing to the hotel's bottom line.

How to Utilize Ancillary Revenue:

  1. Identify Potential Opportunities: Hotels should analyze their existing offerings and identify areas where they can introduce or enhance ancillary services.
  2. Price Appropriately: Pricing ancillary services competitively is crucial to attracting guests while maximizing revenue.
  3. Market Effectively: Hotels should promote their ancillary services through various channels, including their website, social media, and email campaigns.
  4. Train Staff: Ensuring that staff members are knowledgeable about ancillary offerings and able to upsell these services is essential for driving revenue growth.


Ancillary revenue is a vital component of hotel management and revenue management strategies. By identifying, developing, and effectively marketing these additional income streams, hotels can strengthen their financial position, enhance the guest experience, and improve overall profitability.

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